Walla Walla University leadership team

沃拉沃拉大学由校长领导, the president’s Cabinet, and the 校董会. 校长和副校长领导学校的日常管理和方向, 校长从大学董事会获得这项权力.

一年三次, 校长和副校长与校董会会面,就大学事务向校董会提出建议. 校董会负责大学的整体管理和福利, including matters regarding faculty, 工作人员, 学生, 和校友. 董事会还负责挑选大学校长, 确定大学的主要目标, and approving university budgets.

As a Seventh-day Adventist university, 理事会成员包括基督复临安息日会的地区领袖,以及当选为理事会成员的教会成员.

约翰·K. 自2006年以来,麦维一直担任该校校长.


Learn more about the 校董会.



(509) 527-2121 | 约翰.mcvay@granitemarbless.com

Executive assistant to the president
(509) 527-2121 | Fax: (509) 527-2103 | 迪尔德丽.benwell@granitemarbless.com

教育: Ph.D. University of Sheffield, 1995; M.Div. 安德鲁斯大学, 1993; B.A. Southern Adventist University, 1980

Previous Experience: 神学院院长, 安德鲁斯大学, 2000-2006; Associate dean and professor of New Testament, 安德鲁斯大学, 1998-2000; Assistant and associate professor of religion, Pacific Union College, 1985-1998; Pastor, 爱荷华州和佐治亚州, 1977-1978, 1982-1985

家庭: 约翰和他的妻子帕姆有两个孩子:马歇尔和梅西.

其他: 约翰·麦克维恩's Inauguration Address


Vice 总统 for academic administration
(509) 527-2431 | 帕姆.cress@granitemarbless.com  

(509) 527-2431 | Fax: (509) 527-2103 | 谢利.wolcott@granitemarbless.com

教育: Ph.D. 安德鲁斯大学, 2004; M.S.W. Walla Walla College, 1994; B.S.W. Walla Walla College, 1990

Previous Experience: Dean of the School of Social Work and Sociology; Professor of social work


Vice 总统 for financial administration

(509) 527-2402 | 普拉卡什.ramoutar@granitemarbless.com

(509) 527-2402 | Fax: (509) 527-2130 | sharryl.toews@granitemarbless.com

教育: Ph.D. Business 政府; M.B.A. 会计 & Finance Specialization; MAPTH Leadership & 政府 Specialization; B.S. 应用会计

Previous Experience: 会计与金融助理教授, Walla Walla University, 2021-2022; Vice 总统 of Financial 政府, University of the Southern Caribbean, 2015-2021; Chief Accountant, University of the Southern Caribbean, 2015; Internal Auditor, University of the Southern Caribbean, 2014-2015; Accountant, University of the Southern Caribbean, 2010-2013; Junior Accountant, University of the Southern Caribbean, 2009-2010; Accounts Manager, University of the Southern Caribbean, 2008


Vice 总统 for student life

(509) 527-2511 | 达伦.wilkins@granitemarbless.com

(509) 527-2511 | Fax: (509) 527-2674 | sharryl.toews@granitemarbless.com

教育: M.A. La Sierra University, Curriculum and Instruction, Emphasis in Ancient Languages, 2004; B.S. Walla Walla University, 1994; Montana State University, State High School Principal Endorsement, 2008

Previous Experience: Principal, Spring Valley Academy, 2013–June 2023; Principal, Mt. 艾利斯学院, 2002-2013; Teacher, Loma Linda Academy High School, 2001-2002; Teacher/Vice-Principal, Loma Linda Academy Hr. High School, 1994-2001

家庭: Darren and his wife, Yvette, have three sons.



(509) 527-2772 | 乔迪•.wagner@granitemarbless.com

(509) 527-2772 | Fax: (509) 527-2397 | 蕾妮.unterseher@granitemarbless.com

教育: B.A. 主修大众传播学,以新闻学为主,辅修商务和英语, Walla Walla University, 1992

Previous Experience: 客户规划和战略服务部主任, Coffey Communications, 1998–2008; Client services representative, Coffey Communications, 1994–1998; Copy editor, Coffey Communications, 1992–1994

家庭: 乔迪和她的丈夫杰夫有三个孩子:凯蒂、詹娜和尼古拉斯.

Pedrito Maynard-Reid

Professor of Theology

(509) 527-2028 | pedrito.maynard-reid@granitemarbless.com 

教育: Th.M. Fuller Theological Seminary, 1995; Th.D. 安德鲁斯大学, 1981; M.Div. 安德鲁斯大学, 1975; M.A. 安德鲁斯大学, 1973; B.Th. West Indies College, 1970; L.T.C.L. Trinity College of 音乐, 1970; L.R.S.M. Royal Schools of 音乐, 1970; A.T.C.L. Trinity College of 音乐, 1969

Previous Experience: 属灵生活和宣教副会长,圣经研究和宣教教授, Walla Walla University; Professor of biblical studies and missiology, Walla Walla University; Professor of music and religious studies, Northern Caribbean University; Professor of theology, Antillean University

家庭: 佩德里托和他的妻子维奥莱特有两个孩子:佩德里托二世和娜塔莎.


(509) 527-2010 | 艾伯特.handal@granitemarbless.com

教育: D.最小值. Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary; M.Div. 安德鲁斯大学; B.A. Southern Adventist University

Previous Experience: Pastor for College and Young Adults, Southwestern Adventist University - Keene, TX 2015-2017; Senior Pastor, Austin Stonehill Church - Austin, TX  2011-2015; Pastor for Youth and Young Adults, Calhoun Adventist Church - Calhoun, GA 2006-2011

家庭Albert和他的妻子Allison有三个孩子:Edward, Rosa和Dalia


(509) 527-2395 | 霍华德.munson@granitemarbless.com

Academic Services Specialist
(509) 527-2395 | Fax: (509) 527-2130 | lorri.bays@granitemarbless.com

教育: Ph.D. Washington State University; M.A. U.S. History from Portland State University; B.A., 最优等生; Major-U.S. 沃拉沃拉学院历史,副修圣经考古学荣誉课程

Previous Experience: Professor and Department Chair: Pacific Union College July 2018-June 2023; Associate Professor: Pacific Union College July 2015-July 2018; Assistant Professor: Pacific Union College July 2012-July 2015; Instructor: Washington State University Summer 2010,2011,2012; Teaching Assistant: Washington State University Spring 2008-2012; Instructor: Pacific Union College Summer 2006-Summer 2007; Instructor: Walla Walla College Spring 2003-Spring 2006; 研究生 Assistant: Portland State University Fall 2002-Spring 2003

Howard and his wife, Brenda, have two sons.



(509) 527-2421 | 乔纳森.duncan@granitemarbless.com

教育: Ph.D. Mathematics, Indiana University, 2007; M.S. Computer Science, Indiana University 2001; M.A. Mathematics, Indiana University, 2001; B.S. Mathematics, Walla Walla College, 1997; BA Computer Science, German, Walla Walla College, 1997


(509) 527-2401 | 埃里克.james@granitemarbless.com

B.S. Business 政府, with a concentration in 会计, Walla Walla College; C.P.A. 计划给 & Trust Services certification

Previous Experience: 工作人员审计员, General Conference Auditing Service; Senior Accountant and Director of 会计, Walla Walla University

家庭: Eric和他的妻子Kristelle有两个孩子.


(509) 527-2256 |& 特雷弗.congleton@granitemarbless.com

教育: M.S.W. Walla Walla University, 2007; B.S.W. 沃拉沃拉大学社会工作辅修宗教专业,2006年

Previous Experience: Director for recruitment, Walla Walla University, 2010–2012; Director for guest relations, Walla Walla University, 2008–2010; School counselor, Walla Walla Valley Academy, 2007–2008


(509) 527-2586 | 特洛伊.patzer@granitemarbless.com

教育: M.B.A. 城市大学, 2004; Administrative certificate, 与沃拉沃拉大学合作, 2008; B.S. in Business 政府, Walla Walla University, 1999; 计划给 & Trust Services certification

Previous Experience: 信任官, Upper Columbia Conference, 2012–2014; Principal, Upper Columbia Academy, 2008–2012; Vice president of student administration/accountant, Upper Columbia Academy, 2004–2008; Treasurer/accountant, Upper Columbia Academy, 1999–2004

家庭: Troy和他的妻子rensamade有三个女儿:amsamade, Elianne和Lilia.

Brooklynn Armesto-Larson

Assistant Vice 总统 for 学生生活

(509) 527-2542 | ).armesto-larson@granitemarbless.com

教育: J.D. University of Oregon School of Law, 2020; B.A. Walla Walla University, 2016

Previous Experience: Judicial Clerk for Hon. Judge Debra Vogt, Lane County Circuit Court, 2020-2021; Attorney, Criminal Law & 家庭 Law, 2021-2023

家庭: 布鲁克林和她的丈夫曼纽尔有一个女儿.